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K-12 STEM Solutions Provider

Award-Winning STEM Products, Curriculum, & Professional Development

STEM Brands

Empowering Educators And Students With Innovative Solutions

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STEM Brands customized to support your STEM initiative.

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Free STEM Challenges

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Can you create a math maze where each solution to a math equation determines how many spaces you move forward?

This challenge has students work in teams of 2 or 3, solving equations together as they navigate through the maze.

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The goal of this STEM challenge is to encourage students to use coding to create a personalized imagi emoji (a digital representation) that represents themselves.

This activity will serve as an engaging icebreaker for students.

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Make STEM education fun! Start out easy with a banana piano. First, setup takes seconds.

Then make game controllers, musical instruments, and countless inventions. Try our STEM challenge!

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What People Are Saying

Thank you so very very much. I have never had such a positive and quick response from any company or organization. You went above and beyond to help me and provide the resource I was searching for, all while providing customer service and quality educational materials for free. As a teacher with a busy schedule and unpredictable technology and other challenges, it is encouraging to have unconditional support from others who share a passion for STEAM. 

Dawn Bladzinski