Inspire creativity, innovation, and discovery through custom designed STEM experiences
Professional Development
Empower educators to create dynamic learning environments.
UMETY STEM SITE Content Package
The Umety STEM site content package is specifically designed for school-based usage. The package gives you access to a library of 500+ STEM modules for middle and high schools in addition to the virtual tour library, WebXR, UmakeVR - a tool to create your own content, and classroom management software with data analytics and reporting. For up to 1500 user IDs and UmakeVR installations on up to 10 devices.
April Showers Bring May Flowers! Our STEM Challenge is a great way to invite kids to practice researching and using their imagination, in a way that will get them excited to jump into Spring.
For this challenge, kids must create a container to hold and dispense rain water.
Can you create a constellation? Our STEM Challenge is a great way to get students excited to create a constellation.
For this challenge, students will use simple items to create a constellation.
Includes template for students to use.
Our STEM Challenge is a great way to invite students to practice researching and using their imagination.
For this challenge, students will be able to use household items to see how big of a ripple the smallest act of kindness can make.