Start circuit building right away with the deluxe kit, our most complete Squishy Circuits kit. With more items than the standard kit and with pre-made doughs, you can start creating and playing without all the unnecessary waiting! This kit also includes a deluxe battery holder which has a knob that allows your lights to blink and buzzers to beep at different speeds.
1 – Deluxe Battery Holder
1 – Piezoelectric Buzzer
1 – Motor with Fan
1 – Mechanical Buzzer
1 – Switch
40 – LEDs (5 each or Red, Green, White, Yellow, Blue, Purple, Orange, and Color Changing)
1 – Set of Dough Sculpting Tools
1 – Rolling Pin
1 – 7-Ounce Container of White Insulating Dough
7 – 7-Ounce Containers of Conductive Dough (in Red, Blue, and Green, Yellow, Orange, Purple, and Black)
Packaging may vary but contents are the same.