Welcome to the world of programming and automation with micro:bit™! In comparison to the Arduino platform, micro:bit™ offers a much more graphic way of working and programming with microcontrollers. The Bit Board micro:bit™ adapter classroom line was designed as a complete classroom solution for teaching programming with micro:bit’s graphic interface alongside our Crazy Circuits™ component platform. These modular kits are robust sets of materials supported by online lesson plans, projects, activities, diagrams, and videos. Classroom sets come with 1, 5, 10 or 25 boxes filled with electronics parts and supplies. These kits are supported by equally robust online teaching resources designed to facilitate easy classroom use. Our curriculum is always being updated and aligned to NGSS standards for easy integration into any new or existing curriculum. In addition to lesson plans, our curriculum also includes activity pages, assessments, diagrams, and videos for classroom use. Sets are available both WITH individual micro:bit™ boards (1 per kit) and WITHOUT.
Each Student Kit Includes:
- 4x Small Pushbuttons
- 4x 10mm LEDs
- 4x (1x6) LEGO Pieces
- 2x Ribbon Cable Bundles (4 per)
- 1x Slide Switch
- 1x Neopixel
- 1x RGB LED
- 1x Potentiometer
- 1x Piezo Speaker
- 1x Crazy Circuits™ Bit Board micro:bit™ adapter
- 1x Roll 1/8” Maker Tape™ (5m)
- 1x 2AAA Battery Holder
- 1x USB Cable
- 1x Bundle (of 5) Alligator Clips
- 1x LEGO Compatible Servo + connector
- 1x LEGO Base Plate
- 1x Distance Sensor
- 1x 7 Segment Display
- 1x Thumb Stick
- Instruction Cards/Online
Each Teacher Kit Includes:
- Complete contents of Student Set
- Large Organizer (Replaces organizer from Student Set)
- 2x Screw Terminals
- 2x LEGO Continuous Rotation Servos + Connector Pieces
- 2x Extra Ribbon Cable Bundles (4 per)
- 1x 1/8” Headphone Jack • Extra Maker Tape™
Directions, Lesson Plans, and Videos
Full access to all our resources can be found in our online Project Database. Evaluate our materials before you buy. All our resources are 100% Open Source and free to use.