What Do You Do With A Problem?

2. Students were then given 8 popsicle sticks, 4 rubber bands, and a plastic spoon to design and create a catapult.
3. Students wrote down a problem that their group members may have had during this STREAM activity. We use our Vision Points has goals for all group activities. Once they complete this activity, they will be able to write how their problem was changed into an opportunity.

4. Students then wrote that their problems on a Post-It Note and crumbled it up.They used this paper to catapult towards their Target of Opportunity!

5. Students took their catapults, Post-It Notes, yardstick, and target to launch their problems into opportunities. They had SO much fun! Students needed to launch their catapults 3 feet from the target. They used a yardstick to measure their track.We spoke about how many inches were in a foot & how many feet were in a yard. They caught on to this converting really fast with this activity!

6. Students charted their shots on a table to determine the percentages of hits & misses. This was a great introduction to percentages!

7. After each STREAM activity, students complete a reflection form. By reflecting, the students can learn and grow from each experience. I read each one and have one-on-one conferences with any students who may have had issues with their teammates during the activity. It’s important to teach my students to learn and grow together as a team and for themselves.

8. We always add one example from our STREAM activities to our bulletin board. This way the students can reflect on all our projects and how much they had learned over the school year. They love “showing off” this board with their family and friends visit our classroom.

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