Can You Make Your Own Sticker?

Who doesn’t love stickers? Best part about this challenge is we are going to create something we all love! Let’s invite our students to do this challenge and use their imagination, in a way that will get them excited to use their creativity for their own stickers!
For this challenge, students will be creating their own stickers with items we can find around the house. Do you think it’s possible? Can you make your own sticker?
What you need per group...
Parchment Paper
Clear Tape (Heavy Duty Shipping Tape Preferred)
What you need per student…
Construction Paper (Colored Or White)

Start by breaking students up into groups of three to four or solo if distance/virtual learning.
Have students create a team name.
Tell students that the objective of this challenge is to create a team logo sticker.
Give each group of students the materials needed.
Have students write down their team name on their Creator Sheets.
On their Creator Sheets, have students start brainstorming what they think their team logo should look like.
Have students make a list of the must haves in the design of their logos on their Creator Sheets.
Students should now share their ideas with their group and combine ideas or pick the idea they think will be the best way to design a team logo.
Once students have decided on the key items to have in their designs, they may each begin drawing their own idea of a logo on a piece of construction paper.
Once they have drawn out the logo, have students put the design aside and take one piece of parchment paper, put a piece of the heavy duty tape (sticky side down on the paper). Do this for EACH DESIGN.
Students will then take their designs and cut them, so it is only the design and place the logo on top of a piece of tape.
Once the design is laying on the tape they will take another piece of tape and (sticky side down) put it on top of the design.
Students will then peel off the bottom piece of tape, and the logo will be in between the tape. Students can then cut out their sticker and tape it to their Creator Sheets or put on a notebook!
If time allows, give students the chance to create a different logo for another team.
We would love to see you try this STEM Challenge. Share your results with us through social media!
Happy Making,
Maker Maven